Who is Known as Father of Mathematics?


Who is the father of mathematics? 🤔

Archimedes (287 BC–212 BC) is known as Father of Mathematics. He was born in the seaport city of Syracuse on the greek island of Sicily; his father was an astronomer. Archimedes since childhood showed interest in mathematics, science, poetry, politics etc.

- Galileo praised Archimedes several times and referred to him as a ‘superhuman’. 🤭

- A crater on the Moon is named Archimedes in his honour. 🌜

- He predicted modern calculus and analysis by applying concepts of infinitesimals and the method of exhaustion to conclude and rigorously prove a range of geometrical theorems. 🙂

Inventions 🧐

1️⃣ Archimedes’ Screw was a device with a revolving screw-shaped blade inside a cylinder. It was rotated by hand, to transfer water from a low-lying body of water into irrigation canals.

2️⃣ The Claw of Archimedes was an ancient weapon devised by Archimedes to guard the seaward portion of Syracuse’s city wall against amphibious attack.

3️⃣ The device, sometimes known as the “Archimedes heat ray,” was used to direct sunlight onto advancing ships, causing them to catch fire.


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